starting with February 2014 a great innovation appears in Axe magazine’s history.

Fabrizio Dadò, direttore di Axe

I am fond of my job, I have been doing it since 1988 with no pause. I saw the birth, spread and vanishing of Sinclair, Commodore and Amiga PCs, telefax and videotel devices; then the first serious PCs came in the editorial offices from Apple and DOS adopting manufacturers; finally Windows came up: but those machines were ugly e powerless compared to the professional services’ ones. I saw communication and technology growing, stunningly developing and becoming more and more affordable.

I love accomplishing every issue with the graphic designers, making the final proofreading, entering the printing facility and observing skilled workers making Axe the best they can. I use to help the truck driver unloading freshly printed issues, choose by chance a copy, leaf through the new smelling pages and sink into the final re-reading, the one that really counts for seeing if our sweat traces still emerge or have been well mixed in the colours, the pictures and the text as a consistent whole upon which I can be proud to put my editor signature on.

Nevertheless, I can’t overlook what seemed not credible some years ago: the web has totally attracted the young public and established itself as the new powerful champion on the scene. As Mother Nature teaches only the evolving species survives. So Axe is evolving and all the while celebrating the 185th issue and 20 years of publishing with a new young people devoted online edition!

Nothing changes. Axe is still the guitar players magazine that many describe as unique on quality, design, honesty and competence sides. The very same management, authors, proficiency, experience, creative but rigorous working method are deep-rooted in the 20-year old magazine’s DNA.

Plus, the online edition features increasing audio and video contents to be found leafing through the digital pages. Thousands of guitar fans that are staying clear from news-stands can now browse to and enjoy their free Axe digital copy, wheter they are using a PC, tablet or smartphone. 1,7 million impressions and 150,000 visits have honoured in July and August 2014.

Picks up, enter and have a rich music experience!

Fabrizio Dadò

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